

The Old Fort exists because of your support.  We are a 100% volunteer led organization, funded entirely by donations and grants.  Your donations help us keep the Old Fort in Fort Wayne! Click the button below, or mail your donation to us at:

P.O. Box 12650

Fort Wayne, IN 46864

Easy Ways to Help

Goodsearch: Register with and set Historic Fort Wayne, Inc. as your charity.  Set Goodsearch as your default search engine, and we will receive a donation each time you search.

Kroger Rewards: Are you a Kroger customer? You can now support the Old Fort through your regular shopping! We are one of the organizations that you can designate under their “Community Rewards” program.  To enroll, go to and search for Historic Fort Wayne, Inc.  Then every time you shop, we automatically receive a rebate based on what you spent.

Our Supporters

We are grateful to all those who contribute to and support the Old Fort. You can find the relevant information on the pages below.

Your donations support maintenance and programming at the Old Fort.